Thursday, June 07, 2007

Dr. Sh*t to help Malaysia

Malaysia is really serious tackling the toilet- and hygiene-related issues.

While back then the initiatives seemed to be driven by tourism and image, the recent effort is closer to the root cause. More specifically, the Malaysian government is getting Dr. Shit to help educate on the matters about keeping toilets clean (the Sun, May 25).

Seriously, Dr. Shit (a.k.a Mr. Shit) - a geologist named Trevor Mulaudzi who now educates people to take more responsibility for sanitation.

Unfortunately, the ride hasn't been that smooth. Around the same period, overflown sewerage manhole damaged a number of files in a basement room of the new court complex. The cause of the overflow
was, or it was blamed on, the use of toilet.

Contacted yesterday, PWD deputy director-general Selvanayagam P. Nagalingam said the manhole overflow was due to the indiscriminate disposal of sanitary napkins which could have been going on for some time.

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